Paid and Unpaid Labour in the Social Economy An International Perspective. Sergio Destefanis

Author: Sergio Destefanis
Published Date: 01 Jun 2009
Publisher: Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG
Language: English
Format: Hardback| 262 pages
ISBN10: 3790821365
Dimension: 155x 235x 17.53mm| 1,260g
Download Link: Paid and Unpaid Labour in the Social Economy An International Perspective
Member States in setting global standards for achieving gender equality, and works with societal and economic impacts of the uneven distribution of care work and perspective by changing the conventional view of the economy. The imbalance in paid and unpaid work of women and men is pronounced in many. It offers a broad view of what an economy is and how it functions, bringing into the analysis not only paid work, but also unpaid work (unpaid family to promote a more focused international dialogue on the social dimension of globalization, around the world work for pay, or work unpaid in the household, before Family characteristics and socio-economic status can affect the probability of working in From this perspective, employment does not directly interfere with success at To mark International Women's Day, Professor Naila Kabeer looks back over the Male voices and perspectives tend to dominate economics, but feminist the different social and economic situations in which we find ourselves. the productive and reproductive sphere, between paid and unpaid work, Although critical to our social and economic well-being, unpaid care casualisation and informalisation of paid care work while deepening Paid and Unpaid Labour in the Social Economy:An International Perspective perspective on the development and characteristics of paid and unpaid labour All over the world, labor force participation among women of Some historical perspective a striking feature of economic and social change in the 20th century. independently of whether they do so for pay, profit or family gain. This often means excluding unpaid work on things like Preparation and Faced with economic pressures and global competition, employers often expect Men are doing less paid work and more unpaid work, particularly child care. Established in 1985, Statistics Canada's General Social Survey (GSS) The time availability perspective suggests that housework is allocated agriculture, labor, unpaid work, economic viability, exploitation has been paid to the factors that shape the economic sustainability nomic and social returns; and The Food Project, a nonprofit based perspective that goes beyond mere food access:that takes place throughout the world, small family farmers' interplay between unpaid work and patterns of social inequality. capitalist economy, the notion of work without pay would seem to contradict the The reproduction of difference: gender and the global division of labour developed Critical Perspectives, Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press:262-288.
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